Our Technology

Innovative measurement of ultrasound attenuation

In-line monitoring of crystalisation in the molded chocolate while in the cooling tunnel

and deriving progress of product solidification, volume contraction and complete detachment from the mold walls.  

Real-time monitoring of

  • Viscosity increase
  • Fat crystal formation
  • Crystal network formation
  • Degree of solidification
  • Volume contraction
  • Detachment from the mold

Highlights of DetachLog technology

Ultra Sound attenuation spectroscopy

To dive deep into the internal structuring dynamics of the chocolate during the cooling phase and ensure precise control over structure formation.

In-mold tempercurve measurement

By capturing and analysing temperature at various locations and depths within the mold, DetachLog achieves unparalleled accuracy in monitoring and adjusting the cooling process.

Mold tracking throughout cooling phase 

Integrated accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer enable monitoring and control of the movement and location of the mold and ensure flawless chocolate demolding.

Intelligent mold even for filled products

The ultra-sound and temperature sensors are integrated in the mold and enable real-time monitoring of critical parameters during the chocolate cooling even for filled products.

Key benefits of DetachLog technology

Optimised chocolate quality

  • Avoid cooling spots and surface defects
  • Improve fat bloom resistance
  • Max. product surface gloss
  • Max. volume contraction
  • Max. crystalisation degree

Minimised raw material use

  • Avoid material loss

Maximum energy efficiency

  • Optimise cooling time before demolding
  • Avoid rework

Facilitated mold management

  • Avoid product residues
  • Reduce maintenance needs

In more details


  • Applying DetachLog for in-line measurement of polymorph fat crystal network formation in the molded chocolate product while cooling in the cooling tunnel

  • and deriving progress of product crystallization/solidification quality, volume contraction and complete detachment from the mold walls 


  • using a new Ultrasound Attenuation approach which enables following crystallization kinetics in the product

  • through the analysis of a measured ultrasound wave pattern which results from the damping characteristics of a sound wave transmitted through the mold and contained chocolate product

In more detail:

  • An interference-spectrum of received ultrasound is used for calibration of the mold with its specific arrangement of the US-transmitters and -receivers

  • This is tuned by US-frequency and amplitude modulation following the proprietary DetachLog-C calibration knowledge via the “Mold Manager”   

Further details:

  • Measured US-Amplitude damping characteristics development versus time is a fingerprint of the fat crystal formation in the solidifying product

  • From this (i) viscosity increase, (ii) fat crystal formation, (iii) crystal net-work formation, (iv) degree of solidification, (v) volume contraction and (vi) product detachment from mold walls are derived

In addition:

  • Temperature development in the molded product can be monitored at different product depths versus time and/or at different x,y - positions in the mold

  • From this Authentic Tempercurves are received characterizing the polymorhic fat crystallization during cooling and solidification under the temperature and heat transfer conditions authentically present locally

Cutting edge:

  • The coupling of US-Attenuation & local temperature measurements enable differentiation of transient crystallization in shell & filling. 
    See time-zones in diagram: 

  1. filling & temp. equilibration
  2. cooling & viscosity increase
  3. crystal formation start (shell)
  4. crystal networking start (shell)
  5. crystal networking (outer filling)
  6. crystal networking (inner filling)
  7. crystal networking completion
  8. detachment from mold wall

Easy to handle:

Inspite of its versatile capability to detect and analyse multiple product quality and energy efficiency characteristics, the DetachLog setup is easy to handle. Related key features are:

  • realtime wireless transfer of all data from the measuring mold equipped with the DetachLog sensing setup

  • User-friendly interactive software for (i) mold management (e.g. mold-specific calibration), (ii) DetachLog Configuration, (iii) Monitoring of measurement and (iv) Data management for transfer and post processing  

  • All operations can be controlled via laptop, tablet or even by smart phone

Mold Tracking:

For tracking the “measuring mold” during its cooling tunnel passage, there are three additional sensors implemented into the DetachLog being:

  • an accelerometer detecting 3D acceleration which is  a characteristic (vibrational) fingerprint of the local position of the measuring mold in the cooling tunnel
  • gyroscope which detects rotational motion of the measuring mold (turns in different cooling tunnel sections)
  • magnetometer to also detect rotational motion and enabling positioning and switch activation at different locations (e.g. when exiting the cooling tunnel)

Summary of innovative basic elements defining our revolutionary DetachLog technology:

Base Tech 1: Ultra Sound Attenuation Spectroscopy

CHoNova utilizes Ultra Sound Attenuation Spectroscopy (USAS) to dive deep into the internal structuring dynamics of chocolate during the crucial cooling phase. This cutting-edge technology ensures precise control over structure formation, enhancing the overall quality of chocolate production.

Base Tech 2: Authentic Tempercurve Measurement in the Mold

The Authentic Tempercurve measurement is a pivotal element in ChoNova's technological arsenal. By capturing and analyzing tempering curves directly within the mold, DetachLog 4.1/4.2 achieves unparalleled accuracy in monitoring and adjusting the tempering process for superior chocolate texture.

Base Tech 3: Mold Tracking (Accelerometer, Gyrometer, Magnetometer)

Mold Tracking, employing accelerometer, gyrometer, and magnetometer technologies, allows ChoNova to precisely monitor the movement and positioning of molds during the cooling process in the cooling tunnel. This function ensures consistent and flawless chocolate demolding.

Base Tech 4: Intelligent Mold (i-Mold) with inbuilt US- and T-Sensors

The Intelligent Mold (i-Mold) integrates Ultra Sound (US) and Temperature (T) sensors into the mold. This advanced technology enables real-time monitoring of critical parameters during chocolate cooling, achieving unprecedented precision and efficiency in the solidification and demolding processing steps. 

Thus, CHoNova sets a new standard with intelligent and adaptive chocolate molding, crystallization/solidification and volume contraction  monitoring.


Our expertly designed measuring i-molds, equipped with innovative features such as Ultra Sound Attenuation Spectroscopy (USAS) and Authentic Tempercurve Measurement (ATM), guarantee adjustability of precise crystallization, crystal network formation, solidification, volume contraction and detachment monitoring as pre-requisites for seamless demolding of every chocolate piece. CHoNova's commitment to quality begins at the very foundation of the tempering and molding process. 


Experience the art of cooling redefined
CHoNova creates the conditions for optimizing the cooling conditions for your chocolate product, taking into account the specifics of the recipe, mold and cooling tunnel type in order to achieve the best product quality. Our measurement results can also be used to derive adjustment suggestions for your cooling tunnels and design suggestions for new cooling tunnel design. Our commitment to optimal energy efficiency ensures the targeted interaction of product, mold and cooling tunnel to minimize cooling energy consumption while ensuring optimal product quality.


You can also experience simplified, residue-free demoulding which CHoNova's introduced intelligent in-line measuring solution “DetachLog" aims for. With this we eliminate glossy surface damage as well as material residues in the mold and material losses.This in turn means subsequent avoidance of extended mold cleaning and mold rewarming, thus contributing to improve energy efficiency, and overall setting a new standard of demolding excellence.