DetachLog technology is the fruit of 15 years of research at ETH Zurich. It can be customized to any production line and mold geometry.
The technology consists in the DetachLog device, a battery, a CPU and a set of sensors.
The components are installed at the back of 1 mold without impacting the other molds.
It can be integrated to any production line and mold geometry.
The modified mold goes through the whole cooling cycle together with the other molds and sends measures in real time.
Data is available via a user-friendly software interface.
It can be used on a laptop, tablet or smartphone and it is compatible with standard manufacturers' programs.
Measurement of ultrasound attenuation
- ln-line monitoring of crystallisation in the molded chocolate throughout the cooling tunnel
- Deriving progress of product solidification, volume contraction and complete detachment from the mold walls
Real-time monitoring of
- Viscosity increase
- Fat crystal formation
- Crystal network formation
- Degree of solidification
- Volume contraction
- Detachment from the mold
Also suitable for filled products
- Temperature evolution can be monitored at different product depths
- The coupling of ultrasound-attenuation and local temperature measurements enables differentiation of transient crystallization in shell & filling.
Ultra Sound attenuation spectroscopy
To dive deep into the internal structuring dynamics of the chocolate during the cooling phase and ensure precise control over structure formation.
In-mold tempercurve measurement
By capturing and analysing temperature at various locations and depths within the mold, DetachLog achieves unparalleled accuracy in monitoring and adjusting the cooling process.
Mold tracking throughout the cooling phase
Integrated accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer enable monitoring and control of the movement and location of the mold and ensure flawless chocolate demolding.
Intelligent mold even for filled products
The ultra-sound and temperature sensors are integrated in the mold and enable real-time monitoring of critical parameters during the chocolate cooling even for filled products.
Optimised chocolate quality
Maximum surface gloss, no cooling spots, no surface defects, improved fat bloom resistance, max crystallisation
Maximum production efficiency
Optimised cooling time, maximum production throughput, energy savings, facilitated mold management
Our expertly designed measuring i-molds, equipped with innovative features such as Ultra Sound Attenuation Spectroscopy (USAS) and Authentic Tempercurve Measurement (ATM), guarantee adjustability of precise crystallization, crystal network formation, solidification, volume contraction and detachment monitoring as pre-requisites for seamless demolding of every chocolate piece. CHoNova's commitment to quality begins at the very foundation of the tempering and molding process.
Experience the art of cooling redefined.
CHoNova creates the conditions for optimizing the cooling conditions for your chocolate product, taking into account the specifics of the recipe, mold and cooling tunnel type in order to achieve the best product quality. Our measurement results can also be used to derive adjustment suggestions for your cooling tunnels and design suggestions for new cooling tunnel design. Our commitment to optimal energy efficiency ensures the targeted interaction of product, mold and cooling tunnel to minimize cooling energy consumption while ensuring optimal product quality.
You can also experience simplified, residue-free demoulding which CHoNova's introduced intelligent in-line measuring solution “DetachLog" aims for. With this we eliminate glossy surface damage as well as material residues in the mold and material losses.This in turn means subsequent avoidance of extended mold cleaning and mold rewarming, thus contributing to improve energy efficiency, and overall setting a new standard of demolding excellence.